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friday evening relaxation

yeay!!!it's friday again...everyweeks i'll be waiting only for this day...hahaha really lurve friday since my tadika teacher told me this..."esok hari Sabtu dan Ahad kita cuti 2 hari (sambil tunjuk jari 2)"hahaha since that i know that hari sabtu dan ahad adalah hari cuti and since that i always jadi malas2 when it's friday...but i've other reasons why i really lurve this day called FRIDAY...

1. delicious food
mrsm bp
rase nye kalau ingat2 lupe la kan...when it's friday masa zaman kat mrsm, friday mesti makan
nasi lemak for breakfast...and lauk ayam for lunch/dinner..yummy giler mase tu...air tangan
mak cik and pak cik dining mmg menjilat ibu jari...
same goes mase kat uitm...hahaha every friday mmg makan sedap...biase la for hostel
students mmg ayam and nasi lemak dah abis sedap tu...jangan la when i said sedap u all
imagine beef steak ke..lamb chop ke...sizzling with carbonara sauce ke kan..

2. tomorrow is holiday
i do lurve friday because tomorrow is..hari cuti....

3. jejaka tampan berbaju melayu siap bersampin dan jelitawan berbaju kurung
if u noticed usually hari jumaat ni la kan org nak pakai all those baju kurung and baju
melayu....if pakai hari2 keje biase nanti org kate posyos pulak..tapi bagi lelaki je la kot...bagi
p'puan biase la kan pakai baju kurung tu...=)

4. balik ipoh!!!!
recently i've added 1 more reason why i love friday so much.......sebab dapat balik ipoh...jumpe
keluarga...wahaha jumpe katil tersayang...bantal goleng terwangi....:) and i'm waiting for this
moment for every weeks...cepat la kul 5 ni...

trime lah hasil kerja ku...

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