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Reading Tyme!!!

hehehe nak cerita pun segan, baca buku ni hanya di kala2 nak terlelap je, tu pun x setiap malam, ade la berselang2 malamnye..memang ade je buku ni ditepi katil..bila2 terpandang rase nak baca, capai je terus baca..banyak input yang bagus berkaitan relationship antara lelaki dan perempuan..sangat membantu, tak kisah apa2 golongan sekali pun, golongan tua, muda, kulit putih, kulit cokolat, rendah, tinggi, tua, muda, darah A, darah O, sume2 la..sume orang boley baca..
antara fav tips from this book :

tips 1
women mistakenly expect men to react and behave the way women do, while men continue to misunderstand what women really need

tips 2
women today are so tired and stressed, they too want a happy wife to greet them at home

tips 3
men tend to work best on projects rather than in routines

tips 4
the problem is never just our partner but our own inability to cope with stress

tips 5
leaving a man alone and ignoring him is sometimes the best way to support him

tips 6
real love doesn't demand perfection but actually embraces imperfection

tips 7
emotions enhance a woman's memory

tips 8
a man will ask for help, but only after he feels he has done everything he can on his own

tips 9
learning to say we are sorry is one of the most important relationship skills

tips 10
to keep the passion alive, we must do what works even if we don;t feellike it.

ok la cukup la 10 tips kan, nak banyak2 kena baca sendiri la..hehehe buku ni pun bukan beli, jumpe kat umah ni, sape punye ntah..pinjam bace ye, tuannye..=)

2 Response to "Reading Tyme!!!"

  1. Anonymous says:

    bgus2...bnyk tips...tp x larat plak nak baca...kero3.

    (^_-)V says:

    a'ah banyak lagi,tp x larat nak baca..wehihi

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